Lower Wharfe Canoe Club
Pool Sessions
Pool sessions run from September until May at Tadcaster Pool, and all new paddlers to the pool must undertake a safety test. This ensures the paddlers’ understanding of pool procedures and canoe safety, for example capsizing and entering or exiting the pool safely in the event of an emergency. Each session on a Sunday night will have at least one coach & a helper available to help you develop at your own pace.
Our main aim is for you to have fun and enjoy your canoeing safely. We therefore try to make the 5:30 session focused on early paddlers who would like to progress through their initial Start & early Discover PaddleAwards. The 6:15 sessions aim for a mix of formal coaching for the more advanced Discover & Explore Paddle Awards, free paddling & rolling coaching on specific dates.
To book pool sessions you will need to register for our booking system WebCollect choose top left ‘Apply for membership’ & then sign up with your email address & password. If you have not paddled with our club at the pool before, and regardless of your age or ability, you will be required to book & take a safety test which lasts 45 minutes. This is to show us that you can swim, are able to get out of a capsized boat safely & understand the pool’s emergency procedures, Just select the ‘Safety Test button’ when booking in the 5:30 session.
After your Safety test you can book a Pool session appropriate to your standard. The cost is £6.50 for non members and £5.50 for members. Beginners are welcome. The sessions are run in 45 minute slots 5:30pm, 6:15pm,. The instructions for new starters are on the site & there is a help contact if you are having problems. You will need to pay by Paypal & all this is also explained on webcollect.
In summary
Every week
- Session 1: 5.30 – 6.15– Beginners Start & early Discover Awards, Safety Tests
- Session 2: 6:15 – 7 pm Advanced Discover & Explore Awards, Free Practice, rolling coaching courses (specific dates) . Occasional Polo practice sessions.
Under 8’s
- 6/10/24 and then 2nd Sundays from November – 5:30pm. No Safety Tests on these weeks
Some sessions are designed to give skill training in other specific disciplines such as Rolling, freestyle, rescue & safety – see club emails & Webcollect for dates & times that these sessions are running. All other sessions will be general practice & coaching sessions as above. We also run sessions for under 8’s, this October the dates are: 6/10, then the 2nd Sunday of the month.
New to the club?
People new to the club can have 3 sessions as ‘non members’ before you need to take out a ‘subscription’ to join the club – this is due to our insurance.
Personal boats, spray decks, PFDs and paddles are no longer allowed in the pool due to current pool water quality rules.
Book Events & join or renew your membership: Use this link to our WebCollect systemJOIN OUR FACEBOOK PAGE
Lower Wharfe Canoe Club